Discover 6 Festivals In Uzbekistan – Original and Unique

Discover Festivals In Uzbekistan - Qriginal and Unique

The popular festivals in Uzbekistan are as original and unique as the culture of this country. The traditions are very old and they are a union, which occurred over the centuries, of the customs and rites of all the ethical groups which have brought about the country’s contemporary society. Uzbekistan can be considered as one

Delicious Foods In Uzbekistan You Need To Try

Uyghur Lagman

Uzbekistan is still a destination that remains under the radar for most travelers but some of the country’s most iconic monuments like the Ancient City of Khiva, the Registan in Samarkand, and the Kaylan Minaret of Bukhara are getting a fair dose of Internet fame. Uzbek food, on the other hand, not so much. That’s

7 Best Things To Do In Samarkand, Uzbekistan

The Best Things To Do In Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Home to some of the world’s most intricate and exquisite architecture, Samarkand in Uzbekistan has been rising in popularity to become a real tourism hotspot. Famous for its mind-blowing Silk Road buildings, this large city is best known amongst historians for being the base for Timur’s empire. Also known as Tamerlane, Shuja-ud-din Timur was one